Page name: Undead Zoo! Characters fun facts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-13 00:20:49
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Character Fun Facts!!


Because we all have fun little quirks for our character that didn't make into their Bio and might not make it into the game.

Calls anyone he considers small, innocent or helpless "pup". Has enough of a mischievious streak to aid Yuki, David, Jack or Alex in any plot to prank.

Calls Elis "Babe" and Lilly "Doll". Despite inexperience in the bedroom, he very much likes using boobs as pillows.

Edgar has only been drunk once and he was an extremely depressed drunk.

Edgar is allergic to pineapple.

Due to his unhealthy race, Edgar is only 5'4, he just wears clothes that make him appear taller.

David's first word after learning how to speak again was "Family" and it was directed at Jace.

Nova has a necklace with a part of Edgar's rib on it. She removed the piece of rib from him when he was 13. He still has the scar.

Undead Zoo!

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2016-08-10 [Kbird]: XD I forgot his pet names for the girls

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: So did I. XD

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: Aww...

2016-08-10 [Kbird]: Yep that is Jace

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: Awwwwwwwww~

2016-08-10 [Kbird]: I take it you read the David thing

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: Yep~

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: I want to have some jerky guy like Jay so I can still play angry/responsible/protective David. X[

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: Should I make/play a jerk character? I'm working on playing jerk characters, but all of them are "heart-of-gold"ers so far.

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: Except for Aspen. XD
If you want to, just prepare for David to act more like Jace and Annabelle. XP 

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: She doesn't count as a "heart of gold"? XD

Actually, I don't even think of her as a jerk. She's like one of those tricksters you see in every mythology, except more abrasive and grumpy. >:P

Please specify how "jerky" you want this character to be?

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: I guess that's true...Although I still don't think she has a heart of gold..
Oh Rhett is some what jerky due to his "Don't give a Fu**" attitude.

Narcissistic, abrasive, belittling to lower rankings,(here's one of your favorites) sarcastic, tried to be overly mysterious and or bad-A etc..

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: He's too sneaky to be a jerk. Jerks aren't that subtle.

...I take it I've made a name for myself in sarcastic characters? XD

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: I would agree but he's a special case..

Oh definitely!

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: XD Nice~

Any species you have in mind?

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: Which image should I use?

User Name: ancienteye
Character Name: Nathan
Class: Healer
Character history:
Character Description: see image
Character Items:

2016-08-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: I like blondes...

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: the first, the darn smile is just to perfect. >:3

I don't care about the might be better to have it human just so when he out dos David on anything it is more of a jab to David..

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: *evil giggles*

User Name: ancienteye
Character Name: Nathan
Race: Human
Class: Healer
Character history:
Character Description: see image
Character Items: Glasses that don't really do anything but make him look smarter (shhh, nobody but Betty knows they aren't prescription).

2016-08-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Though honestly the second looks more like an 'I don't give a f**k what you do leave me alone or die' type of person...

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: Well, we're going for more cocky, so...

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